Optional Accessories
TURBO POLISHINGAttach the synthetic lamb's wool pad using the same procedure as attaching sandpaper (see page 42). The Turbo Accessory now becomes a polisher. Use it for polishing hard waxed surfaces, such as table tops, paneling, and large flat surfaces. It can be used to polish cars.
The Dust Shroud is not used when polishing. •
TURBO SCOURINGAttach the webbed nylon scouring pad using the same procedure as attaching sandpaper (see page 42). The Turbo Accessory now becomes a scouring tool. Use it for scouring hard surfaces such as ceramic tile, etc. (Do not use on painted surfaces.)
The Dust Shroud is not used when using the scouring pad. •
ORBITAL MASSAGE UNITThe Turbo Accessory Massage Unit is intended for use where massage is desired or medically recommended.
To use as an Orbital Massage Unit, attach the soft vinyl pad to the Turbo Accessory using the same procedure as attaching sandpaper (see page 42).
The Suction Control Grip can be used to decrease the vibration of the Massager. Thus, a variable speed Massager. The Suction Control Grip also enables a person to massage their own back.
The Dust Shroud is not used when using the Turbo Accessory as a massage unit. •
Do not use the Orbital Massager on swollen or inflamed areas, legs with /!\ CAUTION: varicose veins, areas where there are skin eruptions, unexplained calf pains
or anesthetic skin areas unless first approved by your doctor. Children must be supervised when using the massager.