TRITON Training Guide
Naming Your Samples and Multi-samples
TRITON features the ability to name your samples and
Rename the Multi-sample:
1.Press the Recording tab, then press the Recording Page menu button at the top
2.From the popup menu, press Rename MS. A dialog box appears - press the Text edit box to the left of New MS___000, and TRITON's famous "typewriter" appears!
3.Press Clear to clear the name field in the upper - left, then press Shift.
4.Press each Text box to rename the
Tip: Just so you know, you can name your individual samples in the same way - just select each of them from the Sample popup menu in the center area of the display, then follow the same procedure as above, only select "Rename Sample" from the Recording Page menu command popup. This is a great feature for saving , loading and organization of samples and
Tip: We realize we're "skipping - by" a few terms and parameter descriptions that you've worked with in the previous steps, but there's so much more to cover on TRITON in this guide - make sure to work with the TRITON Owner manuals - the sampling sections cover every function