TRITON Training Guide
64 new Combinations utilizing multiple MOSS Programs will be loaded into the B Bank, followed by 64 more
"regular" Combis.
EXB - SCSI A user - installable SCSI interface board / connector that provides you with
lightning - fast speed for loading and saving user - samples, sounds and songs to removable or fixed media!
EXB - SCSI also gives you access to CD ROM - for loading Akai S1000 / 30000, Korg, AIFF and WAVE
format samples files!
EXB - PCM01, 02, 03, 04. Each of these user - installable boards adds 16 Mbyte of multisamples and
drum samples to TRITON! There are currently four EXB - PCM boards available: EXB-PCM01
(Pianos/Classic Keyboards) gives you an abundance of keyboard - related samples, including stereo pianos
and vintage keyboards. EXB-PCM02 (Studio Essentials) provides many - contemporary / pop samples,
including new stereo strings, brass and gospel choir. EXB-PCM03 (Future Loop Construction) provides
Recycled! (cut-up) drum loops in many style of music, perfect for using in the sequencer with completely
independent control over tempo and pitch. EXB-PCM-04 (Dance Extreme) is a great collection of dance-
oriented sounds making amazing use of the Triton’s mighty arpeggiators. All expansion boards come with a
factory .PCG disk. There are two slots available for EXB - PCM boards. When both boards are installed,
TRITON’s PCM memory is expanded to a whopping 64 Mbyte!!!
Tip: When you install an EXB-PCM board you'll also get a disk with a .PCG file which contains 128 new
Programs and 128 new Combinations using this new PCM data. These sounds will need to load into either
your C or D Bank, overwriting the data you have there - be sure to backup before you load the new data in!
Each disk contains both a C and D Bank .PCG so you can choose which Bank you want to load the new
sounds into.
SIMM memory modules: Need more sample RAM? Expand the TRITON from it’s standard 16 Mbyte,
up to 64 Mbytes, using commercially - available and user - installable 72-Pin SIMM memory modules!
There are two internal slots available - each can hold a 16 or 32Mbyte SIMM module, and configurations for
both slots include 2-16 Mbyte (for 32 Mbytes total memory), 1-16 and 1-32 Mbyte (for 48 Mbytes total
memory) or 2-32 Mbyte (for the maximum 64 Mbytes of sample memory).
See the TRITON Parameter Guide (pg 238) for information about the type of SIMM modules you can use.
Installing Option Boards / SIMM Modules
Korg has designed the TRITON’s EXB-board and SIMM slots for easy user - installation, and all the
information you’ll need is concisely covered in the TRITON Parameter Guide (pg 238 - 243). There you’ll find
all the help you need, including graphic representations of each procedure - for TRITON, TRITONpro and