User Manual version 2503
When the Kiosk unit is accommodated with media reader, it is mainly composed of 2 major modules, one panel PC module and the other Kiosk cabinet module.
The panel PC module with media card reader bezel is made of four individual modules:
1.Touchscreen module
2.LCD module
3.Motherboard module
4.I/O module
The Kiosk cabinet module with media card reader bezel is made of four individual modules,
1.Kiosk cabinet module
2.HDD module
3.Power supply module
4.Media card reader and
The two major modules are to be made first, and then integrated together to make a complete unit.
The assembly of LIBRA with printer bezel is basically same to that of LIBRA with media reader except the assembly of the printer,
LIBRA 120 III (PC620 Intel 815E) |
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