User Manual version 2503

uSTANDARD CMOS SETUP: This setup page includes all the items in standard compatible BIOS.

uADVANCED BIOS FEATURES: This setup page includes all the items of Award special enhanced features.

uADVANCED CHIPSET FEATURES: This setup page includes all the items of chipset special features.

uINTEGRATED PERIPHERALS: This setup page includes all onboard peripherals.

uPOWER MANAGEMENT SETUP: This setup page includes all the items of Green function features.

uPNP/PCI CONFIGURATION: This setup page includes all the configurations of PCI & PnP ISA resources.

uPC HEALTH STATUS: This setup page auto detects the temperature, voltage and fan speed.

uFREQUENCY/VOLTAGE CONTROL: This setup page includes the CPU/SDRAM/PCI frequency setting

uLOAD FAIL-SAFE DEFAULTS: BIOS Defaults indicates the most appropriate value of the system parameters that the system would be in safe configuration.

uLOAD OPTIMIZED DEFAULTS: Setup Defaults indicates the value of the system parameters that the system would be in the best performance configuration.

uSET SUPERVISOR PASSWORD: Change, set, or disable password. It allows you to limit access to the system and Setup, or just to Setup.

uSET USER PASSWORD: Change, set, or disable User password. It allows you to limit access to the system and Setup, or just to Setup.

uSAVE & EXIT SETUP: Save CMOS value settings to CMOS and exit setup.

uEXIT WITHOUT SAVING: Abandon all CMOS value changes and exit setup.

LIBRA 120 III (PC620 Intel 815E)


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March Products 120 III (PC620) user manual Libra 120 III PC620 Intel 815E