User Manual version 2503
5.4.8.PC Health Status
The PC HEALTH STATUS auto detects the system’s temperature, voltage and fan speed.
Phoenix - Award BIOS Setup Utility
PC Health Status
Shutdown Temperature | (Disabled) |
Current System Temp. |
Current CPU1 Temp. |
VCore (From VID) |
VCore (V) |
VCC1.8 (V) |
VCC3.3 (V) |
VIO 3.3V |
+5 V
+12 V - 12 V - 5 V
Current CPU Fan Speed Current System Fan1 Speed Current System Fan2 Speed
Item Help
Menu Level
: Move Enter: Select
This category allows you to select System shutdown temperature.
The choice: 60oC/140 oF, 65 oC /149 oF, 70 oC/158 oF or Disabled.
LIBRA 120 III (PC620 Intel 815E) |
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