2.7.4 Write NVM Data
The data described in an already prepared text file are written to the NVM. In the text file, an address and
data are described, the same as in the file created in 2.7.3 “Save NVM Data." The data is written only to the
addresses described in the file (.TXT extension).
If the printer version is updated, the NVM initial values may have to be changed. In
such a case, rewrite the NVM data using this function.
1) Click the “Write NVM Data” button, and the following screen will appear.
2) Select the text file of NVM data to be written.
3) Click the “Open” button.
4) Upon completion of writing, the message is displayed.
Successful termination: completed.
Unsuccessful termination: Write - in operation of a nenvolatile memo ry was not completed normally.