140 H-43 Connects PWBA HNB MCU, CRUM Harness Assembly, TFLSNS Harness
Assembly and PWBA EEPROM STD
141 B-32 Connects EEPROM Harness Assembly and Chute As sembly In (TNR Full Sensor)
142 D-23 Connects Chute Assembly In (TNR Full Sensor) and EEPROM Harness Assembly
144 E-35 Connects PWBA EEPROM STD and PWBA HN B MCU
151 F-22 Connects ROS Assembly and PWB A HNB MCU
161 H-29 Connects LVPS STD Assembly and Power Cord
162 H-29 Connects LVPS STD Assembly and Fuser Assembly
163 H-27 Connects LVPS STD Assembly and PWBA HNB DRV
164 H-28 Connects LVPS STD Assembly and PWBA HNB MCU
165 H-28 Connects LVPS STD Assembly and PWBA HNB DRV
166 H-27 Connects LVPS STD Assembly and Fan
167 H-28 Connects LVPS STD Assembly and PWBA HNB MCU
181 E-38 Connects REGI Chute Assembly (REGI Sensor) an d PWBA HNB MCU
210 H-23 Connects OPF Main Harness Assembly and Option Feeder
220 E-7 Connects Console Panel Hanabi and OPEPANE AS Harness Assembly
221 B-33 Connects OPEPANE AS Harness Assembly and Console Panel Hana bi
231 C-49 Connects Sensor HUM Temp and TMPB Harness Assembly
232 F-23 Connects Fuser Assembly and Front 1A Harness Assembly
311 I-42 Connects PWBA HNB MCU and LVPS STD Assembly
431 E-6 Connects Holder Assembly MQ-Y (CRU Sensor) and PWBA HNB DRV
432 E-6 Connects Holder Assembly MQ-M (CRU Sensor) and PWBA HNB DRV
433 E-5 Connects Holder Assembly MQ-C (CRU Sensor) and PWBA HNB DRV
434 F-5 Connects Holder Assembly MQ-K (CRU Sensor) and PWBA HNB DRV
441 G-7 Connects H older Assembly MQ-Y (Low Toner Sensor) and PWBA HNB DRV
442 G-6 Connects Ho lder Assembly MQ-M (Low Toner Sensor) and PWBA HNB DRV
443 H-6 C onnects Holder Assembly MQ-C (Low Toner Sensor) and PWBA HNB DRV
444 H-6 C onnects Holder Assembly MQ-K (Low Toner Sensor) and PWBA HNB DRV
471 J-49 C onnects Switch Assembly Size and PWBA HNB DRV
472 E-49 Connects No Paper Sensor and PWBA HNB DRV
473 H-57 Connects Low Paper Sensor and PWBA HNB DRV
474 G-49 Connects Solenoid Feed and PWBA HNB DRV
475 H-49 Connects Clutch Assembly Turn and PWBA HNB DRV
511 I-7 Connects Holder Assembly MQ-Y (TNR Motor) and PWBA HNB DRV
512 I-6 Connects Holder Assembly MQ-M (TNR Motor) and PWBA HNB DRV
513 J-6 Connects Holder Ass embly MQ-C (TNR Motor) and PWBA HNB DRV
514 J-6 Connects Holder Ass embly MQ-K (TNR Motor) and PWBA HNB DRV
710 D-6 Connects Plate Assembly Dispenser L (CONN Assembly CRUM MC) and EEPROM
Harness Assembly
810 J-57 C onnects Option Feeder and PWBA HNB MCU
1361 B-32 Connects Front 1A Harness Assembly and Chute Assembly In (ADC Sensor
2361 E-36 Connects TMPB Harness Assembly and Sensor HUM Temp
5011 F-35 Connects S-HVPS and PWBA HNB MCU
5020 E-35 Connects S-HVPS and Chute Assembly In
5030 E-35 Connects S-HVPS and Chute Assembly In
P/J Coordiates Remarks