off tag erro rs 9-6
other reso urces 8 -6
poor print quality 9-1
backing up 1-4
daily chec klist 1-4
print logs 1 -4
program ming c onvention s 2-5
proportional fonts, magnification of B-10
storing images 5-10
receive bu ffer 2-26
reimagin g, using o ption 61 4 -18
requesting job status
explanation of 7-8
requesting printer status
explanation of 7-2
overview 7-1
resetting p acket co ntrol chara cters 2-18
resetting p rinters 8-5
to job request 0-2 7-9
to job request 3 7-10
to job request 4 7-12
ribbon sele ction 2-12
bar codes 3-20
constan t text chara cters 3-24
constan t text fields 3-2 4
text chara cters 3-7
text fields 3-7
rough sketches 1-7
RS232 trailer characters
printing ex isting config 8-2
run length graphic packet
sample 5-21
(fixed) data field 4-3
backfeed control packet G 2-20
bar code density option 4-14
batch con trol field 6-4
batch data field 6-6
batch header 6-3
batch method downloading 6-9
batch pac ket A-9
calculate c heck dig it option 4-1 2
check d igit schem e packe t 4-19 - 4-2 0
comm unication settings p acket F 2 -18
complian ce form ats A-8
complian ce label 5-25
complian ce label overla y 5-19
configura tion pack et 2-7
copy field 4 -7
data entry format A -13
font pack et 2-34
font, bold style B-8 - B-9
font, OC RA style B-8 - B-9
font, standard style B-7 - B-8
format A -2
format header 3-2
hex graphic packet 5-20
immed iate com mand 2 -30
incrementing/decrementing field option
inquiry response 7-2
job request 7-8
job response 0-2 7-9
job response 3 7-10
job response 4 7-12
memo ry configu ration pac ket F 2-2 3
mode command 2-2
monetary formatting packet D 2-15
monospaced font magnification B-6
packet c ontrol cha racters pa cket E 2 -16
padding data 4-11
price field op tion 4-13
print contro l packet C 2-14
printer configuration uploaded 2-9
proportional font magnification B-10
run length graphic packet 5-21
sequential method downloading 6-8
supply setup packet B 2-12
system setup pa cket A 2- 10

10 Index