Access Privileges by MIN option is available). These features allow the radio to register and operate normally on the home site and on specific affiliated sites or talkgroups which are not restricted as programmed at the infrastructure level by the system operator.
Note: All sites except the Home Site can be site and/or talkgroup restricted.
Site Restriction
The registration and roaming process is unaffected for
Until successful reg- istration to its home site or a
If the radio does not support this feature or the system does not receive an acknowledgement message from the radio. You see:
registering on that site and immediately tries to register to its home site. If the radio is unable to register on the home site, the radio moves on to the next frequency (in its neighbor list of sites) and attempts to register there.
What you see:
For 3 seconds: | SiteRestrict |
Note: If your radio is disabled, power it down and contact your local dealer.
For additional information about site/ talkgroup restriction, please contact your local dealer.