&T5 Digital Loop
&T6 Not Functional
&T7 Switch and LEDs
&T8 Memory Test
&T9 Watch Dog Timer Test
&T10 Internal Modem Memory Test
&T11 Quick Brown Fox Message Test
&T12 Voice/Fax Loopback Test
&T13 Sync Data Channel Loopback Test
Command A/ Repeat Last Command
Modem A Answer
BCommunications Standard (Bell/CCITT)
EEcho Command Mode Characters (On/Off)
&F Load Factory Defaults
&G Guard Tone
HCommand Modem On/Off Hook
IInquiry for Product Code
#MA Command Modem Select
OOn Line
PPulse Dial
&Pn Make-to-Break Ratio
QResult Code
RForcing an Answer Tone, in the Dialing
Sn? Read S-Register
SN=xxx Assign S-Register Value
TTone Dial
VResult Codes (digit/word)
&V View Active Configuration and User Profiles
WWait for Dial Tone
&Wn Store Active Profile
XResult Code Set/Call Progress
&Yn Select Stored Profile on Power Up
ZRecall Stored Profile
5-1. Command Summary (Cont.)
Command &Zn=x Store Telephone Numbers
Modem 0 to 9, A to D Dial Digits/Characters
(Cont.) @ Wait for Quiet Answer
!Flash Hook
,Automatic Pauses in Dialing
;Return to Command Mode after Dial
Command Execution
+++ Escape Sequences (entering command mode while
still on-line)
Command Description
The following command descriptions explain the effect that executing each command has on your MultiMux network.
Refer to Chapter 6 for instructions on how to execute the commands.
General Commands
Reset The Reset command will set the operating parameters of the
MultiMux to its most recently stored values. Executing the Reset
Zcommand performs the same function in the logic as turning power off and then on
to the unit.