If you are using the MultiMux internal DSU, there are two test cables provided which can be used to help checkout your system (refer to Figure
If you have any problems in performing these procedures, contact
Using the Test Cable
Test Cable
MultiMux | MultiMux |
Internal Composite
Note: Used locally before installation to verify operation of entire system except compolsite link.
Using the Composite Link Loopback Cable
Internal Composite Connector
Composite Link
Loopback Cable
Note: Initiate Downline Load must be off for loopback testing.
Figure 7-1. Off Line Test Modes
The following guides are set up as a series of possible conditions, causes and suggested fixes or steps in finding the failing unit. Because of the different manufacturer’s equipment involved in typical multiplexer networks, you may encounter “finger pointing” as to who is at fault. Who is at fault is not as important as getting you back on line as soon as possible. The intent of the following guides are to indicate the most probable cause of specific error conditions, but, since similar conditions may account for a number of different failures, the following guides are just that: a guide to troubleshooting.
The parts of your mux network are:
Data Channel
•Channel devices (printers, terminals, pc’s, etc.)
•Channel Communications (RS232 cabling, asynchronous modems, etc.) Voice/Fax Channel
•Telephones and fax machines
•Station side of PBX
•E&M trunk
Control units
Composite Link
•Digital composite link communications line with internal or external DSU
•External Synchronous link modems
•Composite link communications line
Once you have found the probable cause of your problem, refer to the specific manual chapter for additional help, or contact
Table 7-1. Data Troubleshooting Guide
Condition | Possible Cause | Corrective Action |
Supervisory Console | 1. Communications software | 1. Install communications software on |