To register, go to nextel.com. You will need to provide your Nextel phone number and IMEI, the number found on the back of your phone underneath the battery. Account Administrators will also need the account number, billing address zip code, and last account balance.
Activate List Manager from Your Nextel Phone
Activating List Manager on your Nextel phone sends essential information from your phone to the List Manager site.
NOTE: You must register at nextel.com before attempting to access List Manager from your phone.
1From the Net mode home page (see page 71), select “NextelServices” then select “List Manager”. Follow the prompts and enter your member name and password exactly as they are registered with nextel.com.
s f b
4.MSN Mobile
OK Inbox
NOTE: The default to enter information is low-
ercase. To change to uppercase, press and hold #until the word “alpha” changes to “ALPHA.”
2After you complete the login, the List Manager main screen will appear.
s f b
List Manager
OK Cancl
Send a Stored List from Your Phone to List Manager
To send a list from your phone to List Manager on your computer, follow the steps below:
1From the List Manager main menu, scroll down to “Send” and press Punder “OK”.
s f b
1.Speed Dial
2.Private ID
OK Cancl
2Select the list you want to send from your phone to the Web site. You may select Speed Dial, Private ID, Talkgroup, or All.