Chapter 12 CallPilot configuration tips 123
How to set up CallPilot for different businesses
There are several ways to set up CallPilot in your company. How you set up CallPilot depends on what telephone system, and how many CO lines you use.
Here are examples of CallPilot configurations for a small and a medium company, and some useful application tips.
CallPilot for a small business
On Your Toes Dance Studio
CallPilot is the Call Forward No Answer (CFNA) extension for all the telephones in the office. This means that any call that is not answered by a mailbox owner transfers to their mailbox.
Each mailbox owner has buttons programmed on their display telephone for the CallPilot Leave Message feature (≤·°‚) and the Open Mailbox feature (≤·°⁄). This gives easy access to these frequently used features.
Employees have a mailbox number that is the same as their telephone extension. All mailbox owners have initialized their mailbox and recorded a Personal Mailbox Greeting.
The central receptionist
The On Your Toes Dance Studio’s receptionist handles all calls from the studio’s published telephone number. If the receptionist does not answer the telephone within four rings, the Automated Attendant answers the call. The receptionist is also the designated Operator. Whenever a caller presses ‚to speak with the operator, the call transfers back to the receptionist.
Here is how On Your Toes Dance Studio’s communication system works.
The On Your Toes Dance Studio’s public telephone number is
CallPilot is the Prime Set for each of the six lines. The Delayed Ring Transfer feature (DRT) to Prime is set to Yes, and the DRT Delay is set to four. DRT forwards unanswered lines to the Automated Attendant.
Note: Delayed Ring Transfer is a telephone
CallPilot 150 Telephone Administration Guide