Ethernet Routing Switch
Table of Contents
List of Figures
List of Tables
Document Updates
Overview Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 QoS and Filtering
Unrestricted Ports
Untrusted Ports
Layer 2 Classifier Elements
Actions Supported
QoS Flow Chart
Classifier Block Functionality
Filter Functionality
Overall Classification Functionality
Port Range Functionality
7, 15, 31, 63 255, 511, 1025 4095, 8191 32762, or Min =
Default Policy Drop Action
Queue Sets
5520-24T-PWRconfig#qos agent buffer large maximum regular
5520-24T-PWRconfig#default qos agent buffer
Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Egress CoS Queuing
Egress CoS Queuing
5520-24T-PWRconfig#show qos queue-set-assignment
5520-24T-PWRconfig#qos agent queue set
Egress Queue Recommendations
5520-24T-PWRconfig#default qos agent queue-set
5520-24T-PWRconfig#qos agent reset-default
Traffic Meter and Shaping
Bucket Size
Actual Bucket Size in Bytes Actual size in bytes Interface
Actual Bucket Size
Policing Traffic
Parameter Description
Bucket Size Max burst rate Committed rate Duration MSec
Interface Shaper
Meter Bucket Size and Duration
5530-24TFDconfig#show qos if-shaper port
Default Nortel Class of Service
Default Nortel CoS Markings
Hex Decimal
IP-ACL Configuration
QoS Access Lists ACL
ACL Configuration
Config#qos ip-acl name 1..16 character string ?
ACL Configuration Example
2 L2-ACL Configuration
ACL-Assign Configuration
Config#qos l2-acl name 1..16 character string ?
5530H-24TFD#show qos ip-acl
5530H-24TFD#show qos acl-assign
5530H-24TFD#show qos policy
5500config#no qos ip-acl
5500config#no qos acl-assign
5500config#no qos acl-assign 1 port 1/19
Changing ACL
Dynamic ARP Inspection Configuration
IP Security Features
Dhcp Snooping Configuration
Dhcp Snooping
IP Source Guard Configuration
IP Source Guard
Bpdu Filtering Configuration
Bpdu Filtering
QoS Applications Number of Classifiers Used Feature
QoS Interface Applications
Configuration Example
ARP Spoofing
Dhcp Attacks
Dhcp Snooping
10.3 DoS
Bpdu Blocking
ERS5500-48T#show qos if-assign
Configuration Steps Policy Configuration
Role Combination
ERS5500-48T#show qos if-group
Adding IP and L2 Element
ERS5500-48Tconfig#qos ip-element 1-64000?
IP Element
Adding a Classifier
Adding a Classifier Block
Parameters and variables Description
Add a New Policy
QoS Action
Configuration Examples
Pre-defined Values
Configure the Interface Role Combination
Configuration Example 1 Traffic Meter Using Policies
12.2.1 ERS5500 Configuration Using Policies
Configure the IP elements
ERS5500 Create the classifier block
Configure Meters
Configure the Classifier Block
ERS5500 Create the policy
Configure the Policy
Verify Operations
Verify the Role Combination
Verify Classifier and Classifier Block Configuration
Name m1
ERS5500-24T#show qos classifier-block
Verify Policy Configuration Verify that the QoS Policy
12.3.1 ERS5500 Configuration
IP ACL, Dhcp Snooping, ARP Inspection, and Source Guard
ERS5500 Add IP address to Vlan 700 and enable Ospf
ERS5500 Enable ARP-Inspection for VLAN’s 110
ERS5500 Assign the IP-ACL’s to ports
Verify DHCP-Snooping
Verify ARP Inspection
Verify ACL Configuration
Verify IP Source Guard
ERS5500-24T#show qos acl-assign
Configuration Example 3 Port Range Using ACL or Policy
TCP Port Range
ERS5500 Create IP elements for UDP port range
Configuration Using Policies
Configure the Policies
Configuration Using IP-ACL’s
ERS5500 Remark all other traffic to Bronze
12.5.1 ERS5500 Configuration Using Policies
Create Policy
ERS5500 Assign the L2-ACL’s to ports
12.5.2 ERS5500 Configuration Using IP-ACL’s
ERS5500 Pass all other traffic with standard CoS
Configuration Example 5 L2 and L3 Classification
12.6.1 ERS5500 Configuration Using Policies
Configure Classifier and Classifier Blocks
ERS5500 Add L2 elements for Vlan 110
12.7.1 ERS5500 Configuration
Dscp Mapping via Un-restricted Port Role
ACL Configuration
Policy Configuration
View the Queue Assignments
Verify Shape Rate Configuration
Configuration Example 7 Interface Shaping
Enable Shaping on Port
Software Baseline
Reference Documentation
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