1.Not operative if Proportional Band = 0.
2.Switching differential for ON/OFF control output.
3.Optional; only one legend will appear for each alarm.
4.Only applicable if a DC linear input is fitted.
5.Only applicable if Output 2 is fitted as a secondary control (COOL) output.
6.Applicable only if the Communications Option is fitted.
7.When a program is running, respective to program setpoint.
Parameter | Function | Adjustment Range | Default | |
value | ||||
| ||
| |
Input Filter Time | Filter removes extraneous impulses | OFF, 0.5 to 100.0 | 2.0 | |
Constant | from the process variable input | seconds in 0.5 second | seconds | |
| increments |
| |
| |
Process Variable | Modifies actual process variable (PV) | input span of | 0 | |
Offset | value: | Controller |
| |
| Offset PV + actual PV |
| |
| = PV value used |
| |
| |
Output Power 1 | Current Output 1 power level | 0 to 100% | Read only | |
| |
Output Power 2 | Current Output 2 power level | 0 to 100% | Read only | |
| |
Proportional | Portion of input span in which Output 1 | 0.0 to 999.9% of input | 10.0% | |
Band 1 (PB1) | power level is proportional to the | span |
| |
| (offset) process variable value (see |
| |
| Figure |
| |
| |
Proportional | Portion of input span in which Output 2 | 0.0 to 999.9% of input | 10.0% | |
Band 2 (PB2) | power level is proportional to the | span |
| |
| (offset) process variable value (see |
| |
| Figure |
| |
| |
Reset (Integral | Integral time constant | 1sec. to 99min. 59 | 5 mins. | |
Time Constant) |
| secs. and OFF | 00 secs. | |
| |
Rate (Derivative | Derivative time constant | 00 secs. to 99 mins. | 1 min. 15 | |
Time Constant) |
| 59 secs. | secs. | |
| |
Overlap/ | Portion of proportional band (PB1 + | 20% to +20% of | 0% | |
Deadband | PB2) in which both outputs are active | (Proportional Band 1 |
| |
| (overlap) or neither output is active | + Proportional Band |
| |
| (deadband) - see Figure | 2) |
| |
| |
Manual Reset | Bias applied to output power, | 0% to 100% (Output 1 | 25% | |
(Bias) | expressed as a percentage of output | only); |
| |
| power. | 100% to +100% |
| |
| (Output 1 & Output 2) |
| |
| |
Volume II |