D. Preset Single Register (Write 1 Word) | 06 B |
The message sent to the controller consists of 8 bytes: the address and function number as usual, the address of the parameter to be written, and the
Addr. | Func. | Addr. of Word |
| Value | CRC16 | |||
| 6 | HI | LO | HI |
| LO | HI | LO |
The normal response is to echo the message in its entirety.
E. Loopback Diagnostic Test | 08 |
The controller is sent an 8 byte message consisting of the usual preamble, a
Addr. | Func. | Diag. Code |
| Value | CRC16 | |||
| 8 | HI | LO | HI |
| LO | HI | LO |
Full MODBUS support in this area is not appropriate - consequently, the only Diagnostic Code supported is code 00. In response to the message, the controller must echo the message received exactly.
F. Preset Multiple Registers (Write n Words) 16 B
This message consists of eleven bytes. Only one parameter may be written at a time, even though this function number is supported. The preamble is followed by the address of the parameter to be written, and then a
Addr. | Func. | Addr. of Word | No. of Words | Count | ||
| 16 | HI | LO | 0 | 1 | 2 |
| Value | CRC16 | |
HI | LO | HI | LO |
The controller normally responds with a
Addr. | Func. | Addr. of Word | No. of Words | CRC16 | |||
| 16 | HI | LO | 0 | 1 | HI | LO |
Volume II |