11. Logging PV and SP Values
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Turning On the Logging Function
To turn on the logging function:
1.While logged in as MULTI (or another user with Controller Configuration privileges), Select Options Logging. The Logging window will be displayed.
2.Enter the name of the log file to be used. Keep the .log file extension. (Unless you use the Browse button to specify a different location, the log file will be in the same directory in which the
3.Enter the frequency (in seconds) with which the SP and PV values should be logged. Remember that log files will grow rapidly at frequent logging rates. Be sure there is enough room on the drive containing the log files.
4.Click on Enable. If this file name has not been used before for a log, the logging will begin and the Logging window will close.
If a log file already exists with that name in the