6-14 Calibration NetScan Users Manual
2. Apply calibration voltage from the precision calibrator to the first channel of each card (see following
table), and verify with a digital multimeter. Requirements for both devices are specified in Required
Volts DC Slot # 1 Slot # 2 Slot # 3 Slot # 4 Slot # 5 Slot # 6 Slot # 7 Slot # 8
-50 mV G1,1X G17,1X G33,1X G49,1X G65,1X G81,1X G97,1X G113,1X
+50 mV G1,1X G17,1X G33,1X G49,1X G65,1X G81,1X G97,1X G113,1X
-100 mV G1,11X G17,11X G33,11X G49,11X G65,11X G81,11X G97,11X G113,11X
+100 mV G1,11X G17,11X G33,11X G49,11X G65,11X G81,11X G97,11X G113,11X
-1.0 mV G1,12X G17,12X G33,12X G49,12X G65,12X G81,12X G97,12X G113,12X
+1.0 mV G1,12X G17,12X G33,12X G49,12X G65,12X G81,12X G97,12X G113,12X
-5.0 mV G1,13X G17,13X G33,13X G49,13X G65,13X G81,13X G97,13X G113,13X
+5.0 mV G1,13X G17,13X G33,13X G49,13X G65,13X G81,13X G97,13X G113,13X
-10 mV G1,14X G17,14X G33,14X G49,14X G65,14X G81,14X G97,14X G113,14X
+10 mV G1,14X G17,14X G33,14X G49,14X G65,14X G81,14X G97,14X G113,14X
Note: In the slot columns, the digit after the G is the channel num ber and t he number immediately preceding
the X assigns the voltage value, e.g., G1,1X means Calibrate Gain for channel 1, ±50 mV.
3. After each calibration type U2X and check for a return of U128 to confirm no errors.
Response codes and meanings applicable to calibration are as follows:
Response to U2X Indication for Calibration Mode
U128 No error
U129 Read Failure (EEPROM Error)
U130 Write Failure (EEPROM Error)
U132 Chksum Err (EEPROM Error)
U136 Cal Err (offset, gain, or temperature sensor out of range)
U144 Invalid password
U160 Invalid command
4. After completing the gain calibration of all cards, type EX to end the calibration mode.
5. Type U2X to confirm calibration mode is disabled. A return of U000 confirms this.
Note: You can view the calibration constants by typing an entry similar to the following:
C#1X QC? for slot #1
You can monitor the calibration voltage by typing an entry similar to the following:
*B to clear the buffer
C1,1X to addresses the channel, this example is for slot #1, channel 1
T1,1,0,0X;@X to trigger the acquisition (Trigger LED flashes); ); @X starts acquisition
U13X every entry of U13X results in an updated value of voltage in counts
Note that @X can be used to start or stop the acquisition.