Appendix C Configuration Aspects for Programmers
NetScan User’s Manual C-7
Reference Note: If you are not familiar with programming you will probably gain more
understanding of the program-related portions of this appendix by first reviewing
Appendix A, API Commands.
‘ Configure master channels 1-4 with Type JTC
‘ Configure normal timebase to 1 minute, acquisition timebase to 1 second
‘ Set pre-trigger scan count to 100 and post-trigger to 1100 scans
‘ Configure start event to trigger on command and stop event to stop post-
trigger count.(TRIGGER LED should pulse)
‘ Trigger the acquisition. Acquisition scans should now be collected until
1100 post-trigger scans have been collected. (TRIGGER LED should be on)
Channel ConfigurationConfiguring a channel is the process of describing the channel transducer to NetScan. By doing so, the
configured channel becomes part of the channel scan.
NetScan performs calculations on the raw voltage before supplying it to the controlling computer. To perform
such calculations, NetScan must know the transducer type.
NetScan and its optional expansion chassis can each accept from 1 to 4 signal conditioning modules. With eight
modules possible (each with 16 channels) the system can scan up to 128 channels. Note that the eight modules
can be comprised of any combination of the following:
NetScan Signal Conditioning Modules
Module Type Inputs Connector
CSN14/TC/P Thermocouple (T/C) and
Voltage J, K, T, E, R, S, B, and N; or for
±100 mV, ±1 V, ±5 V, and ±10 V Submi ni at ure P lug
CSN/14/LV/T Voltage ±100 mV, ±1 V, ±5 V, and ±10 V Screw Terminal
CSN/14/LV/B Voltage ±100 mV, ±1 V , ±5 V , and ±10 V BNC
CSN/14/LV/S Voltage ±100 mV, ±1 V, ±5 V, and ±10 V Safety Jac k
CSN/14/HV/S High Voltage ±2.5 V, ±25 V, and ±250 V Safety Jack
The modularity of NetScan eliminates the need for synchronizing separate and possibly incompatible analog-to-
digital (A/D) measuring instruments or boards, which is an important consideration because many temperature
measurement systems require a combination of thermocouples and analog inputs.
NetScan is capable of sensing the signal conditioning module types that are plugged into each of its four signal
conditioning module slots, as well as the four module slots of the expansion chassis.
If you attempt to configure a channel number that is of the wrong type or does not exist, a
channel configuration error will be logged in the Error Source Register.
Associated with each channel is the channel number and type and (optionally) the high and low
alarm setpoints and the setpoint hysteresis. The minimum channel configuration required is a
channel type assigned for a single channel or a range o f channels.
The following text describes how to configure the possible channel types for each signal conditioning card
accepted by NetScan and the expansion chassis. Alarms are covered later in this appendix.