NetScan Users Manual Calibration 6-17
Cold Junction Calibration
Required Equipment
Equipment for CJC Calibration
Cold (ice) cell for calibration with thermocouples at 0°C
T/C wire and subminiature plug connectors (T-Type T/C wire is recommended)
U-Type copper shorting plugs
Equipment for Verification of Calibrated Temperature*
Option (a): Cold Cell Method
Cold (ice) cell
Volts DC Calibrator
Digital Voltmeter or Digital Multimeter
2-22 Twisted-pairs
Voltage-to-temperature reference tables
T/C wire and subminiature plug connectors (T-Type T/C wire is recommended)
Option (b): Hot Cell Method
Hot Cell
T/C wire and subminiature plug connector (T-Type T/C wire is recommended)
Option (c): T/C Calibrator/Simulator Method
Using a T/C Calibrator/Simulator is not recommended due to possible transient effects whi c h can cause erroneous readings.
T/C Calibrator
T/C wire and subminiature plug connector (T-Type T/C wire is recommended)
* see required specifications on page 6-2
Note: See figures, Cold Junction Calibration, Equipment Setup and Verification of Cal i brat ed Temperatures.
The cold junction calibration applies only to thermocouple cards (CSN14/TC/P). The figure on the next
page, Cold Junction Calibration, Equipment Setup represents the setup for a T/C card in slot #1. In this
example channels 3, 6, 11, and 14 must be used for the cold junction calibration. The following table
indicates channel numbers applicable to the T/C card in each of the eight possible card slots.
Use approved ESD precautions, including static-free work area and grounded wrist strap,
when handling circuit boards and electronic components. Failure to do so could cause
equipment damage due to electrostatic discharge.
Note: The Cold Cell Simulator in the following figure shows a special connection box attached to it. This
connection box, which can be easily made, is not part of the cold cell device.
Cold Junction Channel Numbers
Unit Slot # Required CJC Channels
Main Chassis 1 (bottom slot) 3, 6, 11, 14
2 19, 22, 27, 30
3 35, 38, 43, 46
4 51, 54, 59, 62
Expansion Chassis (Option) 5 67, 70, 75, 78
6 83, 86, 91, 94
7 99, 102, 107, 110
8 (top slot) 115, 118, 123, 126