NetScan User’s Manual, 11-06-98 PostView 5-11
Another variation of the Display Configuration Setup b ox appears when you highlight a channel. In the
following figure, Channel 1 (of Chart 1, Group 1) was selected, resulting in a new screen image. From this
screen you can edit the channel setup.
Adjusting Channel Setup for Channel 1
PostView channels can be set for either of two modes: Units Full Scale or, Units/Div. The mode is selected
by radio button. Mode descriptions are as follows:
Units Full Scale. When Units Full Scale is selected, as depicted in the above figure, you can alter Y Max
and Y Min. These are the upper and lower limits of the Channel as they will appear on the chart when the
channel is selected. When you change either parameter, Y Center and Units/Division are automatically
adjusted. You can not directly adjust Y Center or Units/Division while “Units Full Scale” is selected. You
can change Y Max and Y Min by using the up and down arrows, o r by highlighting the existing value,
typing in the new value, the pressing “Enter” on your PC keyboard.
Note: If the window size is changed, a chart operating in the Units Full Scale mode will maintain its full
scale setting across the chart.
Units/Div. When Units/Div. is selected you can alter Y Center and Units/Div. Y Center is the centerline
value of the chart when the channel is selected. Units/Div. is the vertical value of on chart grid increment.
When you change Y Center or Units/Div. Y Max and Y Min are automatically adjusted. You can not
directly adjust Y Max or Y Min while “Units/Div.” Is selected. You can change Y Center and Units/Div. by
using the up and down arrows, or by highlighting the existing value, typi ng in the new value, the pressing
“Enter” on your PC keyboard.
Note: If the window size is changed, a chart operating in the Units/Div. Mode will maintain its units per
division scale setting across the chart.