NetScan User’s Manual, 11-06-98 PostView 5-13
Adding a Chart to Group 1
3. Change the number of charts per group if desired.
4. Change the group name if desired.
5. Click on a group to see the chart(s) assigned to the group. In the above example there is one group
with one chart.
6. Click on a chart to assign channels to the chart. A screen similar to the following will appear.
Assigning Channels to Chart 1 of Group 1
7. Choose channels for the selected chart. You can select up to 4 overlapping channels per chart. There
are four methods of adding channels. These are as follows:
• Highlight an available channel using the cursor and left-hand mouse button; then click the Add but ton. Repeat for
each channel to be added.
• Double-cl i c k on the channel (in the available channels list to add; in the selected channels li s t to remove)
• Hold down the keyboard’s Shift Key and use the l ef t-hand mouse button to select a block of consecutive available
channels (up to 4); then click the Add button. Example: CH3, CH4, CH5,and CH6.
• Hold down the keyboard’s Ct rl button and use the left-hand mouse button to select up to 4 available channels
(these can be non-consecutive); then click the Add button.
Example: CH1, CH3, CH5, and CH7, as in the previous figure.