Appendix D Registers, Data Formats, & Queries
NetScan User’s Manual D-11
U Commands and Descriptions
Returns information in the Event Status Register.
Returns information in the Status Register.
Returns information in the Calibration Status Register.
Returns system settings similar to invoking a combinat i on of the following query commands: F?I?L?P?Q?S?T?Y?
Returns high/low/last register data in the current data format for each channel defined by t he (C) c ommand, such as the high
reading, the high time stamp, the low reading, the low time stamp, and the last readi ng.
Returns the same information as U4 but resets the current high/low for all channels .
Returns the following current trigger block information: the trigger block #, current read s can in block, current write scan in
block, the trigger time/date stamp, the scan # that stop oc c urred, the scan number that end of acquisition occurred, and the
block completed flag.
Returns the channels that have been assigned alarm output in the form of: Achan,out put where 744 < chan > 1, and 32 <
output > 1.
Returns the channel settings for each configured channel.
Returns the digital input values corresponding to each of the eight digital inputs.
Returns memory size in the form: mmmmm, where m is each digit in the memory size (Kbytes).
Returns the channel number followed by “0” for “not in an alarm state,” or “1” for “in an alarm state. Queried channels are
those having programmed valid alarm setpoints.
Returns the last date the unit was calibrated in the form: 12:54:00.9,01/28/97
Returns the last scan read.
Returns card ID’s.
Returns the IOtech product information in the form: IOtech, Net Scan, 0, v.r, where v is the version and r is the revision.
Returns measurement parameters.
Returns the RMS value of the last burst mode operation.
Returns the contents of the system register.
The NetScan has several internal eight-bit registers where each bit represents a certain condition, event or error.
The contents and operation of each of these registers is described in subsequent sections. You can access the
registers via a command issued from the controller.
Status and Event Reporting Registers.
The following four registers cover a wide range of internal error and event conditions, and each covers a
particular aspect of event reporting responsibility.
Calibration Status Register (CSR) Indicates any error conditions during calibration.
Error Source Register (ESC) Indicates any general error conditions with the unit.
Event Status Register (ESR) Indicates speci al ‘events’ that have occurred in the unit.
Status Byte Register (STB) Indi cat es critical operation events.
Mask Registers.
You can use the following two mask registers to configure the status and event reporting registers. The mask
registers are:
Event Status Enable (ESE) A mask for the Event Status Register (E S R)
Service Request Enable (SRE) A mask for the Status Byte Register (STB)
The status registers CSR, ESC and ESR are Read/Clear-Only registers (they may only be read and cleared by
the controller). The read operations on these registers is a destructive read since it clears the register as it is
read. These registers can only be written to by internal NetScan operations.
The STB status register is a Read-Only register (it can only be read by controller). The STB register can only
be cleared or written to by the internal processes of the NetScan.
The mask registers ESE and SRE are Read/Write/Clear registers (they can be written and cleared, as well as
read by the controller).