4-14 ChartView Software Reference NetScan Users Manual
9. Choose channels for the selected chart. With ChartView Plus, you can select up to four
overlapping channels per chart. With the basic ChartView program, you are limited to one channel
per chart. There are four methods of adding channels. These are as follows:
Highlight an available channel using the cursor and left-hand mouse button; then click the Add but t on.
Repeat for each channel to be added.
Double-cl i c k on the channel (in the available channels list to add; in the selected channels li s t to remove)
Hold down the keyboards Shift Key and use the l ef t-hand mouse button to select a block of consecutive
available channels (up to 4); then click the Add button. Example: CH3, CH4, CH5,CH6.
Hold down the keyboards Ct rl button and use the left-hand mouse button to select up to 4 available
channels (these can be non-consecutive); then click the Add button.
Example: CH1, CH3, CH5, CH7, as in the previous figure.
Note: You can also remove channels in a similar manner by highlighting a channel(s) in the Sel e ct
Channels box, and then clicking on the Remove button. I n t he previous figure, CH7 (in the
select box) is highlighted. Clicking the Remove butto n would delete the channel from
Note: When a chart contains overlapping channels [and the channels share values such that their
traces reside on top of each other], then the channels that are listed lower in the display list
(the most recently added channels) will obscure the channels higher in the list (those that
were added first).
10. In the display area (on the left-hand side of the screen) click on a channel to check the channel’s
configuration and to re-configure the channel, if desired. The Display Configuration Setup
Window will appear similar to the following figure.
Note: Changing the display configuration does not change the e xisting channel and alarm
configuration. It only changes how the chart groups, charts, and channels will be displayed.
This screen contains two radio buttons for selecting the method of adjusting the display mode
and channel setup. It is the same screen discussed in the sub-section, Editing an Existing Display
Configuration. From this screen you need to choose Units Full Scale or Units/Div. Each method
was previously discussed (see page 4-11).
Adjusting Channel Setup for Channel 1
Remember, you can enable additional channels from the Channel and Alarm Setup window. Enabling
additional channels allows you to acquire more data; however, it will not change your display on
ChartViews Main Window. In other words, you can acquire data from channels you do no t monitor.