API Command Reference Appendix A
A-2 NetScan User’s Manual
Command SyntaxCommands are identified by the following syntax formats:
• A single letter (A through Z)
• A single letter (A through Z) followed by a pound sign (#)
• An at-sign (@)
• An asterisk (*) followed by a single letter (A through Z)
In addition, the commands are governed by the following syntax rules.
Case Sensitivity
Commands may be entered in upper or lower case.
For example, A1,1X is interpreted the same as a1,1X.
White space (which consists of all ASCII values of 32 and below, and includes the space, tab, new-line
and carriage-return characters) is generally allowed anywhere between commands and command
arguments. However, white space is not allowed in the middle of command options.
For example, 1 2 3 is not the same as 123.
Multiple Parameters
If more than one parameter is used for a command, they must be separated by a comma or white space.
For example: Q4,1,1,0,0 or Q 4 1 1 0 0 is appropriate.
Command Strings
Commands may be sent individually or in a string with other commands.
For example, the following four lines of a program:
have the same effect as the single line:
PRINT#1,"C1,1 A1,1 C2,2 A2,2 X"
Execute Command
Deferred commands are interpreted and processed as they are received. They require the Execute (X)
command to be issued in order to be executed. If multiple system commands are used in the same
string, each use of the command must be followed by the Execute (X) command. Howev er, immediat e
commands do not require an Execute command to be processed. For more detail on deferred and
immediate command types, refer to the next section on “Command Interpretation” in this chapter.
For example, to clear the SRQ mask and then set it for SRQ on trigger:
PRINT#1,"M000 X M002 X"
To configure channels 1 through 32 for t e mperature and 33 through 64 for volts, using one command
PRINT#1,"C1-32, 1C33-64, 11X"