Appendix A API Command Reference
NetScan User’s Manual A-3
Fixed Formats
Any Query (?)command or Status (U) command returns a fixed format. For instance, any option that can range
up to 65,535 always returns five digits, so zero would be returned as 00000. In the following command
descriptions, leading zeros are included. They are not, however, required when entering the command.
Conflict Errors
Some combinations of commands and parameters can be sent to the unit that are out of range for a particular
configuration or inconsistent with other commands. For instance, specifying a Scan Interval (I) command to
less time than the unit can acquire scans results in a conflict error:
A conflict error lights the ERROR indicator LED on the scanning unit and returns an E4 when queried with the
Error Query (E?) command. Some conflict errors result in a default value for a conflicted command. For
instance, in the example above, the scan interval defaults to the fastest possible scan interval for the number of
defined channels.
As commands are received by the unit, they are interpreted in the order in which they are received. Some
commands are immediate, which means they immediately take effect. Other commands are deferred and have
no effect on device operation until the Execute (X) command is interpreted.
Immediate & Deferred Commands
The immediate and deferred commands applicable to NetScan are listed in a table on the following page.
An example of an immediate command is Set Digital Outputs (On), which immediately chooses the digital
output line which is being referred to.
An example of a deferred command is Set Data Format (F), which determines the input and output format used
for channel data when X is interpreted. As deferred commands are interpreted, their desired effects are recorded
in internal temporary registers. As additional deferred commands are interpreted, their effects are added to these
registers, possibly overwriting earlier effects. Finally, when X is interpreted, the temporary registers are
examined in the execution order described below. If two deferred commands that do not affect the same
function are received before the Execute (X)command, they take effect in the execution order described below.
If a deferred command is sent multiple times within a command line, the last occurrence of the command will
take precedence. Note that a command line is terminated by the X. For example, if F1,1 F1,3X is sent, the
data output format will be as specified by the F1,3X command. The F1,1 command is overridden and never
takes effect.
If an error is detected during command pro c essing, commands are ignored up through and including the ne xt
execute command. Thus, any immediate commands after the error, (and all deferred commands) are ignored.
For example, the command line T1,1,0,0O216,0,25, 255AAT3,7 K20 X containing the error AA only
executes the O0, because it is an immediate command that occurred before the error. The deferred commands
T1,1,0,0 and T3,7,0,0 and the immediate command K20 after the error have no effect.
Deferred commands help reduce the effects of errors and improve synchronization of command execution. The
primary advantage of deferred commands is that they are executed as a group, either all or none. If any errors
occur, deferred commands have no effect and the device is left in a consistent state instead of a partially
modified, inconsistent state.