Appendix D Registers, Data Formats, & Queries
NetScan Users Manual D-5
Example 6:
Example 6 shows how to retrieve Last readings for a subset of the configured channels.
PRINT#1,"F0,0 Q1,1,0,0,0X" Set format to ASCII degrees C with
HLL terminator of CR LF/EOI
PRINT#1,C1-4,1X" Configure four channel (no setpoints)
Configure and start the acquisition
PRINT#1,"R#2-3X" Just get the Last reading for channels 2 and 3
INPUT#1, A$ Get Last reading for channel 2
PRINT A$ Screen shows....
INPUT#1, A$ Get Last reading for channel 3
PRINT A$ Screen shows....
Data Format (F)
Readings from the NetScan are output in the format configured by the user. The Data Format (F) command
determines the engineering unit and whether an ASCII format, binary format or a raw data count is to be used.
Options for the engineering units and data formats are shown in the following table:
Data Format (F)
Engineering Unit
Data Format
Celsius [default]
Engineering Units [default]
Binary (Low Byte/High Byte)
Binary (High Byte/Low Byte)
Counts (ASCII)
If a data format of 1 or 2 (binary), or 3 (counts) is specified as the data
format, the Engineering Units of the F command is ignored.

Data Input Formats

The Data Format (F) command determines the format of only some of the data input from the controller. Input
data comes in the form of command parameters from the controller. (All commands and data sent to the
NetScan are in ASCII, although the engineering unit may vary.)
The command parameters over which the F command determines their format are the high, low setpoints and the
hysteresis parameters for the Channel Configuration (C) command and the Set Trigger Level (L) comman d.
These are the only command parameters over which the Data Format (F) command has control. These
command parame ters cannot be issued in binary format. If binary format is specified by the F command these
parameters will be interpreted as Engineering Units.
These parameters will always be interpreted as Engineering Units as currently defined by the Engineering Units
argument of the F command except when the Counts format is specified. When the Counts format is specified,
these parameters are interpreted as Counts. For additional information see the command reference section.
Note: If Counts or Binary format is specified as the format, the Engineering Units parameter of
the F command is ignored.
PRINT#1,"F0,0X" Interpret C and L command parameters as
Engineering Units Degrees C
PRINT#1,"F1,1X" Interpret C and L command parameters as
Engineering Units (Even though binary is specified)
Degrees F.
PRINT#1,"F3,3X" Interpret C and L command parameters as Counts
(Counts format is specified)
(Note that Engr. Units parameter is ignored)