NetScan User’s Manual, 11-06-98 PostView 5-9
It is a simple task to create a chart display configuration using the automatic method. The following steps
apply to this feature of Chart Setup Wizard.
Note: If PostView locates a display configuration file, Chart Setup Wizard will not be activated unless
you choose to manually activate the Wizard from the File pull-down menu.
1. From the Chart Setup Wizard window, select the desired mode (Simple, Moderate, or Advanced).
Note: Selecting Manual Chart Creation, Create Charts bypasses the Chart Setup Wizard and enters a
manual editing mode. This option makes use of PostView’s Display Confi gur ation feature
discussed in the following section, Display Configuration.
2. Use the pull-down arrows (τ), or use the cursor and type in a new value to make selections for the
number of groups, charts, and channels as applicable.
3. If you desire to start with a channel other than channel 1, use the pull-down arrow and select the desired
starting channel number.
4. When your setup is complete, click on the Create Charts button. A percentage of completion bar will
appear, followed by the PostView window.
The channels in the setup you create will appear in chart form on PostView’s window. The Channels will
overlap on their assigned Chart (for configurations making use of multiple channels per chart), and will be
visible when the applicable Group is selected. Note that only one group of charts can be viewed at a time.
Display ConfigurationNote: When PostView does not find a display configuration file it automatically opens the Chart Setup
Wizard. You can use this feature to automatically create a display configuration. You also have
the option of selecting Manual Chart Creation, Create Charts to bypass the Chart Setup Wizard
and enter the manual editing mode, as discussed in this section.
The Display Configuration button accesses a Display Configuration Setup dialog box. This box will also
be displayed if:
a) Manual Chart Creation, Create Charts is selected from the Wizard Chart Setup window
b) You select Setup from the File pull-down menu
c) You right-click on the chart region in PostVi e w’s window
Note: If multiple chart groups are present in the display configuration, the current group will be selected
in the display configuration tree.
When you first click on the Display Configuration button, a Display Configuration Setup box appears. A
display region shows the configured structure of the groups, charts, and channels. From this box you can
select the number of charts to be assigned to a specific group. With the use of the mouse cursor you can
also select a chart or channel for additional editing.
The rest of this section has been divided into two parts. The first pertains to editing an existing display;
while the second section pertains to manually creating a display configuration from scratch, i.e., there is no
existing display configuration to edit. Both methods make use of Display Configuration Setup dialog