Appendices A-i
AppendicesAppendix A API Commands
Appendix B Ethernet API
Appendix C Configuration Aspects for Programmers
Appendix D Registers, Data Formats, & Queries
Appendix E NetScan Program Examples
Appendix F ASCII Code Summary
Appendix G NetScan Error Messages
Appendix H Abbreviations
Synopsis of Appendices
These Appendices (with exception of G and H), provide programming-related information that is not necessary for
users of ChartView and ChartView Plus. The appendices cover the following information:
Appendix A: API Commands describes the entire command set for NetScan, with exception of ethernet-related
commands, which are covered separately in Appendix B. Syntax, parameters, interpretation, and error codes are
explained. Sections on the individual commands include their parameters, types, typical use, related
information, and a sample program excerpt.
Appendix B: Ethernet API p rovides ethernet related command information.
Appendix C: Configuration Aspects for Programmers provides information on memory allocation, channel and
scan configuration, triggers, alarms, and digital I/O operation.
Appendix D: Registers, Formats, & Queries provides information regar d ing registers, data formats, status and
event reporting, and other operation-related factors.
Appendix E: NetScan Program Examples explains the program examples which are supplied on the release disk.
Typical tasks are covered including various kinds of data acquisition and alarm control.
Appendix F: ASCII Code Summary summarizes ASCCII control codes and character codes.
Appendix G: NetScan Error Messages lists and describes error codes pertaining to NetScan.
Appendix H: Abbreviations