API Command Reference Appendix A
A-34 NetScan User’s Manual
N - Set Event Mask
TYPE System
SYNTAX Nmask Directly sets the Event Status Enable Register (ESE) where mask is in the
form of the number nnn such that 000 < nnn < 255 is summed from the
following conditions:
000 - Clear event mask 016 - Execution Error
001 - Acquisition complete 032 - Command Error
002 - Stop Event 064 - Buffer 75% Full
004 - Query Error 128 - Power On
008 - Device Dependent Error
N? Query the Event mask.
The Set Event Mask (N) command directly sets the Event Status Enable (ESE) Register. ESE conditions, in
turn, determine which Event Status Register (ESR) conditions are enabled to generate the Event S t atus Register
Bit (ESB) in the Status Byte (STB) Register. Multiple ESR bits can be enabled simultaneously by issuing Set
Event Mask (N) commands separately or by combining them in one comm and string. The programmed Event
Mask remains enabled until a Clear Event Mask (N0) command is sent or the controll er s ends a Power-On Reset
(*R) command.
The following list outlines the possible conditions of the ESE.
N000: Sending this command clears the entire mask of the Event Status Enable (ESE) Register to zero.
N001: Acquisition Complete. Sending this command allows the setting of the ESB if the unit has determined
that the configured acquisition has completed.
N002: Stop Event. Sending this command allows the setting of the ESB when the pre-defined stop event of a
configured acquisition has occurred.
N004: Query Error. This condition is set when an attempt is made to read data from the out put queue when no
data are present or data in the output queue were lost. Data may be lost when too many data are requested to
be buffered in the queue (for example, issuing multiple commands to return data without ever readi ng t hem).
N008: Device Dependent Error. This condition is set when a conflict in programmed param et ers is detected.
This is also referred to as a conflict error.
N016: Execution Error. This condition is set when a parameter exceeds valid limits for a partic ular command.
This is also referred to as Invalid Device Dependent Command Option (IDDCO) error.
N032: Command Error. This condition is set when an illegal command is sent to the unit. This is also referred
to as Invalid Device Dependent Command (IDDC) error.
N064: Buffer 75% Full. Sending this command will allow the setting of the ESB when the unit has determined
that the acquisition buffer is at least 75% full.
N128: Power On. This condition is set whenever unit is first powered up or a *R is issued.
PRINT#1, “N0 X”
‘ Clear the Event Status Enable (ESE) Register
PRINT#1, “N? X”
‘ Read the Event Status Enable (ESE) Register
‘ Computer screen shows N000
PRINT#1, “N1N2X”
‘ Set enable ESB setting on pre-trigger count satisfied or
acquisition complete
PRINT#1, “N? X”
‘ Read the Event Status Enable (ESE) Register
‘ Computer screen shows N003