API Command Reference Appendix A
A-30 NetScan Users Manual
J - Calibrate Cold Junction Offset
Calibrate the cold-junction offsets for cold-junction compensat i on of t he
thermocouple signals where chan is the channel number such that
1 < chan < max, where max = 128 for NetScan.
type is the thermocouple channel type.
temp is the reference temperature currently being applied to the selected
channel, with the form nnn.n in degrees º C.
Note: This command is only for advanced users who perform their own calibration. It i s not necessary for
normal, everyday operation.
Active only in calibration mode, the Calibrate Cold Junction Offset (J) c om mand is used to calibrate the cold
junction offsets for cold-junction compensation of the therm oc ouple signals. Each thermocouple input channel
has associated with it one of these temperature sensors. Although calibrat ed at t he factory, these temperature
sensors are subject to component aging which may affect their accuracy over t i m e. The function of the Calibrate
Cold Junction Offset (J) command is to allow the adjusting of the internal f i rm ware to compensate for the affects
of component aging.
Since there are 4 cold junction temperature sensors associated with 32 temperat ure i nput c hannels, it is
necessary to select 4 channels. Each channel is associated with one of the 4 c ol d j unc tion temperature sensors
in order to calibrate all cold junction temperature sensors on a given card.
Note: Four separate channels on each card must be supplied with an accurate thermocouple si gnal of known
warm junction temperature.
The parameter type is the same channel type that is used with the Configure Channels (C) comm and.
After the command has been issued, the applied thermocouple signal m ust remain at its value until the trigger
LED stops flashing in order to achieve accurate results. For further details on c hannel c alibration, see Chapter 6.
PRINT#1, K12345X
Enter Calibration Mode
Apply precision temperature
PRINT#1, J1,2,101.7X
Compute cold junction offset for the temperature
sensor associated with the type K thermocouple
on channel 1 of card #1, at 101.7°C
Wait for command to complete
Remove precision temperature
End calibration mode