Appendix A API Command Reference
NetScan User’s Manual A-49
V - Set User Terminator
TYPE System
SYNTAX Vval Set the User Terminator value to any character whose numeric value (ASCII
value) val is in the range 0 to 255.
V? Query the present user terminator value.
The Set User Terminator (V) command is used to set the User Terminator value t o any character whose numeric
value (ASCII value) is in the range 0 to 255. The User Terminator may be used by the Set Query Terminator (Q)
command to specify a user-defined terminator for any of the defined term inator types or as a reading separator
for the Read Buffered Data (R) command.
PRINT#1, “Q1,0,1,1,1X”‘ Set the reading separator flag ON
PRINT#1, “F0,0X”‘ Data format is engineering units, degrees C
PRINT#1, “V44X”‘ Set the User Terminator to be a comma (,)
PRINT#1,"C1-4,1X" ‘ Configure channels 1 - 4 as T/C type J
PRINT#1,"I00:00:01.0, 00:00:00.1”‘ Configure scan interval
PRINT#1,"Y0,1000,0X" ‘ Configure acquisition counts
PRINT#1,"T1,8,0,0X" ‘ Configure acquisition, start trigger is Trigger On (@)
command, stop trigger is Counts
PRINT#1,"@X" ‘ Trigger the acquisition
PRINT#1,"R1X”‘ Read a Scan
LINE INPUT #1, A$ ‘ Retrieve the Scan
PRINT A$ ‘ Screen shows +0020.30, +0023.80,
+0034.90, +0013.50
PRINT#1, “V58X”‘ Set the User Terminator to be a colon (:)
PRINT#1,"R1X ‘ Read a Scan
LINE INPUT #1, A$ ‘ Retrieve the Scan
PRINT A$ ‘ Screen shows +0020.30: +0023.80:
+0034.90: +0013.50
W# - Set Average Weight
TYPE System
Specify the number of samples to average in the Normal mode, where wt is the average
weight. Valid options for wt are: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, and 256 (with 32
being the default value).
Normal mode is used for line cycle integration for noise filtering, or for high-speed multiple c hannel use when
noise is not a problem. The selection for Average Weight (W#) determines how m any s amples to average for
each thermocouple or DC volts channel, or how many samples over which the root mean square (RMS) is
calculated for AC volts. As there are 32 samples per line cycle, sett ing wt to 32, 64, 128, or 256 samples will
automatically enable line cycle noise rejection.
Note: Due to hardware constraints, weights greater than 128 limit the number of channels which can be ac tive
in an acquisition to 122 channels, maximum.
Weight (wt) Maximum # of Channels
1,2,4,8,16,32, 64, 128 128
256 122
PRINT#1, “M#0X”‘ Select line cycle integration/high-speed multi-channel mode
PRINT#1, “W#64X”‘ Select number of samples = 64
PRINT#1, “Y0,1,0,0X”‘ Setup to read 10 post trigger scans
PRINT#1, “C1-3,1X”‘ Enable channels 1 - 3 for Type J thermocouples
PRINT#1, “T1,8,0,0X”‘ Arm the unit
PRINT#1, “@X”‘ Trigger unit and collect scans