4-16 ChartView Software Reference NetScan Users Manual

Print Charts

The Print Charts button activates a screen print of ChartView’s main window.

Main Window Pull-Down Menus

The ChartView main window features several pull-down menus. As an alternative to the menus, you

can enable several menu items by using Toolbar buttons, previously discussed. The common items (for

the pull-down menus and toolbar) are described in more detail in the Toolbar section.


(see File Menu Note, immediately following this text)
(Ctrl + N)
Sets all channel parameters to their startup (factory default) setti ng.
(Ctrl +O)
Sets all channel parameters as directed by a specified configuration file (.cvw). The Load
ChartView Setup window prompts you to select from a list of previously saved conf i gurat ion
(Ctrl + S)
Saves the existing all-inclusive channel configuration settings for later recall . The Save
command overwrites the existing version if the versions are named the same.
Save As… Saves the existing configuration for later recall; asks whether to overwrite the original version or
save under a new filename.
(Ctrl + P)
The Print Charts button activates a screen print of ChartView’s main window. When a chart
contains overlapping channels [and the channels share values such that their traces res ide on
top of each other], then the channels listed lower in the display list (the most recently added
channels) will obscure the channels higher in the list (those that were added first).
About… Clicking About will display a ChartView or ChartView Plus dialog box, as well as the software
version number. ChartView Plus can be activated from the ChartView dialog box, upon
entering a valid Registration ID Number and clicking the OK button. Your program can be
registered through your service representative.
Dialog Boxes for ChartView and ChartView Plus
Exit Exits the ChartView program.