Appendix C Configuration Aspects for Programmers
NetScan Users Manual C-15

Time Stamping (

As mentioned in the previous sections, the contents of each scan contains one reading for each defined channel.
Optionally, time stamping of each scan can be enabled with the *T command. *T1 enables absolute time
stamping, *T2 enables relative time stamping, while *T0 disables time stamping. Refer to the *T command
description for further details. An example of the *T command is as follows:
Without time stamping (default):
PRINT #1, R3X Request all scan data in buffer
LINE INPUT #1, A$ Retrieve it
PRINT A$ +0234.20-0019.40+0001.40+0023.60....
With absolute time stamping:
PRINT#1, *T1X Enable time stamping
PRINT#1, R3X Request all scan data in buffer
LINE INPUT#1, A$ Retrieve it
Note: The R (following the date 08/29/94 in the above code) is a reading separator which has been
assigned with Query Terminator Q.
With relative time stamping:
PRINT#1, *T2X Enable time stamping
PRINT#1, R3X Request all scan data in buffer
LINE INPUT#1, A$ Retrieve it
Note: The
R in the above code is a reading separator which has been assigned with
Query Terminator Q.
Note: Time stamping is not valid in burst mode or when the output format is binary. Additionally,
relative time stamping is invalid when attempting to use it in conjunction with continuous,
gap-free acquisitions with two time bases.

Alarm Stamping (

For further monitoring and analysis of alarm conditions, the states of the 32 alarm outputs can be stamped to
scan in real time. Alarm stamping can be enabled with the A#1 command and disabled with the A#0 command.
Refer to the A# command description for further details. An example of the A# command follows.
Note: Alarm stamping is not vali d in high-speed, single channel mode (burst mode).
Note: If Digital Input Stamping (I#) is also enabled, it will be appended after the Alarm Stamp (A#).
Without Alarm Stamping (default):
PRINT#1, A#0X Disable alarm stamping
Configure and start an acquisition
PRINT#1, R1X Request the next scan in the buffer
LINE INPUT#1, A$ Retrieve it