NetScan User’s Manual G-1

Appendix G

NetScan Error Messages
At initial power-up NetScan performs automatic self-tests to ensure it is fully functional. The rear panel LEDs
indicate errors, if they occur. Possible error conditions and their corresponding indicator light patterns are shown
in the following table. Any pattern not shown is an internal error that is not field -serviceable; in this case, contact
the factory. When only the POWER and ERROR LEDs are on, a configuration error exists as a result of the setup
information in NV-RAM.
If you observe a configuration error, perform an error status query (see E? in Appendix A). If you observe any
other type of error condition, make note of the error and contact your service representative.
If no problems are found, NetScan will begin its power-up initialization. This self-test is performed each time the
unit is powered up regardless of whether power-on was caused by the power switch or the Power-On Reset (*R)

Error Status Query (E?) is used to determine the present error condition. After execution of the E?

command, NetScan will respond with one of several possible error codes, as indicated below.

E000: No error has occurred.
E001: Invalid device dependent command (IDDC) due to a command syntax error.
E002: Invalid device dependent command option (IDDCO). A command parameter was out of range
or missing.
E004: A Channel Configuration Error indicates that a channel has been inappropriately configured,
either because the channel is not present or because the specified channel type is not com patible with
the card type installed.
E008: A Calibration Error occurs when the card calibration has failed or has been inappropriately
E016: A Trigger Overrun Error occurs when more than one trigger event occurs for a given trigger state
or when a non-expectant trigger event occurs.
E032: An Open T/C Error or Range Error, occurs when the hardware circuitry detects an open
thermocouple, or when the software detects the A/D input has reached or exceeded its linearization.
E064: Custom Table Error indicates that a Custom Table has been inappropriately defined or has not
been loaded properly. This error usually occurs because Custom Table is out of memory or the
inappropriate specification of the Set Table Entry Pointer (W) command.
E128: A Command Conflict Error indicates the issuance of a comm and that is in conflict with other
commands that have been issued or the current configuration. This error usually occ urs when a
command is issued that cannot be performed because of the current st at e of the unit. For instance, if
the Set Scan Interval (I) command is issued during an acquisition (tstart 0).

After execution of the Error Status Query, most error conditions are cleared. Error conditions

may also be cleared by issuing a Clear Event Status (U0) command to the unit. The ERROR

light will remain on until an E? or U0 command is executed to clear the error condition.

LED Indications of Error Conditions
Error Condition LED Indicators
General Hardware Failure ON ON -Flash- ON
ROM Invalid for
U22, COMM2 -Flash- ON
ROM Checksum Error for
U21, COMM1 ON -Flash- ON
ROM Checksum Error for
U22, COMM2 ON -Flas h- ON
Non-Volatile RAM Error ON -Flash- ON
Dynamic RAM Error O N ON -F lash- ON
Interprocessor COM Error ON ON ON -Flash- ON
Configuration Error ON ON