Control over Polling: If you want to stop the 6K from writing binary data to the PLC, but continue to exchange NTMPRI, NTMPWI and NTMPRB data, use the NTMPWBi,i,0,i command. If you need to stop polling all mapped variables, use the
nNTPOLL0 command.
Example: | ; Identify network server #2 as an |
2NTIP1,172,54,125,34 | |
2NTCONN1 | ; IP address |
; Attempt connection to network server #2 | |
2NTMPWB3,0,15,20 | ; File 3, elements |
2NTPOLL50 | ; the 6K's binary variables |
; Start polling network server #2, set interval to 50 ms | |
VARB25 = b1111000011110000 | ; The value of AB file 3, element 5, will be set to |
| ; 111000111000, because it is mapped to VARB25 |
NTMPRI Network Map Integer Variables for Reading from PLC
Type: | Network | Product | Rev |
Syntax: | <!><n>NTMPRI<i>,<i>,<i>,<i> | 6K | 5.3 |
Units: | n = network server # |
| 1st i = Allen Bradley data file # |
| 2nd i = # of the 1st element in data file (beginning of range) |
| 3rd i = # of the elements to include in range |
| 4th i = # of the 1st integer (VARI) variable in the 6K to map to |
Range: | n = |
| 1st i = |
| 2nd i = |
| 3rd i = 0 or |
| 4th i = |
Default: | 1NTMPRI0,0,0,0 (no mapping) |
Response: | 1NTMPRI: *1NTMPRI1,5,15,23 |
<n> NTMPRI <i>,<i>,<i>,<i>
Network Server #
#of first element in AB data file (beginning of range)
#of elements in range
#of first integer variable (VARI) in 6K (beginning of range, max value is 225)
•The PLC’s integer data file 9 has 30 elements. Use data elements
•Use the 6K’s integer variables
from the PLC.
The required mapping command is: 2NTMPRI9,15,15,35
The NTMPRI command maps a range of integer data elements from the AB PLC to a range of integer (VARI) variables in the 6K. There are 225 VARI variables available in the 6K for storing integer data. To perform an integer data read from the PLC:
1.Assign the AB PLC a server number, according to its IP address (NTIP command).
2.Connect to the AB PLC, according to its server number (NTCONN command).
3.Map a range of integer elements in the AB PLC to a range of integer (VARI) variables in the 6K (NTMPRI command).
4.Start polling the AB device at a specific polling interval (NTPOLL command). This updates the 6K integer (VARI) variables with the integer element data from the AB PLC. You can then use the PLC integer data (via the VARI variables) in conditional expressions, command value substitutions and variable assignments.
Saved in Non-Volatile Memory
This command is saved in the controller’s
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