Error Response | Possible Cause |
NTSELP ALREADY ENABLED ON THIS | NTSELP, which enables program selection via OPTO22 |
TASK | inputs, has already been enabled (if multitasking, it has |
| been enabled for this specific Task). |
OPTION CARD CAN NOT BE USED WITH | Tried to enable the internal Fieldbus Option card for |
ETHERNET - SEE NTFEN | PROFIBUS or DeviceNet communication |
| DN products only) with the OPTEN1 command. You must |
| disable Ethernet communications with the NTFENØ |
| command before enabling the Option card. The 6K cannot |
| communicate over a Fieldbus connection and Ethernet |
| connection simultaneously. |
VARB USED BY OPTION CARD | Tried to map a binary variable to read from or write to an |
| |
| Fieldbus (PROFIBUS or DeviceNet) data transfer functions. |
Tried to map the same 6K VARB or VARI variables for read and write functions. Or tried to map the same 6K VARB or VARI variables to another PLC.
Error Handling | The 6K has a Error Status register for logging certain error conditions. If you enable checking |
| for an error condition (see ERROR command), the 6K will branch to the designated error |
| program (see ERRORP command) when it detects the error condition. The Ethernet networking |
| related Error Status register bits are noted below. |
ERROR | Cause of the Error | Branch Type | How to Remedy the Error |
Bit # |
| to ERRORP |
| |
23 | Ethernet Client | Gosub | Clear the error bit |
| Connection Error. |
| the Ethernet connection (nNTCONN1), and |
| (Can’t connect.) |
| then issue |
24 | Ethernet Client Polling Error. | Gosub | Clear the error bit |
| (After connect and polling |
| the Ethernet connection (nNTCONN1), and |
| device for data, polling |
| then issue |
timeout occurred. Cause could be disconnect, client lost power, etc.)
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