H e l p C o m m a n d s
For help at any time, type “Help” and a list of available commands appears. The Help command builds on itself, because for each command you type, more details appear for each option.
Syntax: | Help | set |
DEFAULT | Set parameters to factory defaults | ||
EN Network Parameters |
| ||
LOAd | Firmware update parameters | ||
PAssword <password> | Set console password | ||
PORt <name> | . Parameter for port <name> | ||
PROtect <password> | Set update password | ||
| Server and LAT parameters |
SERVIce | <name> | Service Parameters | |
| SNMP Variables |
Syslog |
| Syslog Parameters |
| DNS Parameters | |
STRing n "..." | BOT/EOT string | ||
IP |
| LPD/TCP Parameters |
POP3 |
| POP3 Parameters |
SMTP | SMTP Parameters | ||
NETWare |
| Netware Parameters |
Displays a list of the available help commands for “Set.”
Note: For any command that uses SET, you can also use SHOW to view the current setting.
Telnet Console Commands