Communications / Dial-out (continued):
Problem | Cause | Solution |
| e) The Model 1108 is connected to an | The Model 1108 must be connected to a |
| incompatible telephone line. | standard |
| digital extension to a phone system. If the unit |
| will not dial out and the factors previously |
| listed have been ruled out, try connecting the |
| unit to a standard residential telephone line. |
2. The Model 1108 will not answer the | a) Rings Until Answer is incorrectly pro- | Recheck programming of Rings Until Answer. |
telephone when called for a Status Report | grammed. | Refer to Chapter 4, Section 4.5.1. |
or alarm acknowledgment. |
| b) The Model 1108 is connected to an | Some telephone systems will not allow the |
| incompatible telephone line. | telephone to ring beyond 4 rings. If your |
| Model 1108’s Rings Until Answer is set at |
| more than 4 rings, you may not be able to |
| access the unit. Try setting the Rings Until |
| Answer to less than 4 rings. If this does not |
| correct the problem, it may indicate telephone |
| line incompatibility. In this case, try |
| connecting the Model 1108 to a standard, |
| residential telephone line. |