3. | The Model 1108 will not answer the | You did not allow the telephone to ring | When calling the Model 1108, and the TAD is |
| telephone for Callback Acknowledgment. | 10 times. Note: If the TAD (telephone answer- | disabled, allow the telephone to ring 10 times. |
| ing device) is disabled, the telephone rings ten | Refer to Chapter 6, Section 6.1.3, and Chapter |
| times before the Model 1108 answers. If the | 4, Section 4.6.3. |
| TAD is enabled, the telephone rings once |
| before the Model 1108 answers the call. |
4. | The Model 1108 recites the alarm | The local voice mute feature is in effect. | Deactivate local voice mute. |
| message or Status Report over the |
| Refer to the programming steps in Chapter 4, |
| telephone, but is silent at the installation |
| Section 4.9. |
| site. |
5. | The Model 1108 dials out correctly but | Voice Reps is set to zero. | Reprogram Voice Reps to 1 or greater. |
| fails to audibly recite its alarm message |
| Refer to Chapter 4, Section 4.10. |
| when you answer the call. |
6. | The Model 1108 and telephone answering | The Model 1108’s number of Rings Until | Change the number of Rings Until Answer for |
| device (sharing the same line) answer | Answer is set to equal the number of rings set | the Model 1108. |
| incoming calls simultaneously. | for the telephone answering device. | Refer to Chapter 4, Section 4.5. |