!Whenusing a portable phone, keep the an-
tennaof the portable phone away from the
displayto prevent disruption of the video by
theappearance of spots, colored stripes,
For viewing LCD comfortablyDueto its construction, the view angle of the
LCDscreen is limited. The viewing angle (verti-
caland horizontal) can be increased, however,
byusing BRIGHT to adjust the black density of
thevideo. When using for the first time, adjust
theblack density in accordance with the view-
ingangle (vertical and horizontal) to adjust for
clearviewing. DIMMER can also be used to
adjustthe brightness of the LCD screen itself
tosuit your personal preference.
Condition memoryThisfunction memorizes audio language, sub-
titlelanguage, angle number and aspect ratio
madeduring disc playback for up to 30 discs.
Withoutany special operations, the final set-
tingdetails during playback of a disc are mem-
orized.The next time a disc is played, the
previoussettings are automatically applied.
!Withsome discs, audio language and sub-
titlelanguage are automatically specified,
inwhich case condition memor y does not
!Whenthe number of discs exceeds 30, set-
tingsfor the latest disc replace those for
theleast recent disc.
What the marks on DVDsindicateThemarks below may be found on DVD disc
labelsand packages. They indicate the type of
imagesand audio recorded on the disc, and
thefunctions you can use.
Mark Meaning
2Indicatesthe number of audio sys-
2Indicatesthe number of subtitle lan-
3Indicatesthe number of viewing an-
16 : 9 LB Indicatesthe picture size (aspect ratio:
screenwidth-to-height ratio) type.
Indicatesthe number of the region
whereplayback is possible.
When an operation is prohibited
Whenyou are watching a DVD and attempt to
performan operation, it may not be per formed
bythe programming on the disc. When this
happens,this unit indicates the icon onthe
!Theicon maynot appear in certain dis-
Resetting the microprocessorPressingRESET lets you reset the micropro-
cessorto its initial settings without changing
thecondition memory.
Themicroprocessor must be reset under the
!Priorto using this unit for the first time
!Ifthe unit fails to operate properly
Before YouStart