#Fastforward/fast reverse may not be possible
atcertain locations on some discs. If this hap-
pens,normal playback automatically resumes.
!Youcan display the repeat range selected cur-
rentlyby touching DISP.
!Ifyou do not use the touch panel keys for 30
seconds,they will be hidden automatically.
Operating the DVD menu
SomeDVDs allow you to select the disc con-
tentsusing a menu.
!Youcan display the menu by touching
MENUor TOP.M while a disc is playing.
Touchingeither of these keys again lets you
startplayback from the location selected
fromthe menu. For details, refer to the in-
structionsprovided with the disc.
1 Touch
 
todisplay touch panel keys
tooperate the DVD menu.
#Whenthe touch panel keys are not displayed,
youcan display them by touching the screen.
2 Toucha,b,cor dto select the desired
3 TouchENTER.
Playbackstarts from the selected menu item.
#Ifyou switch the remote control operation
modeto DVD, the joystick on the remote control
canalso operate the DVD menu. (Refer to page
#Youcannot operate the DVD menu by the joy-
stickon the head unit.
#Theway to display the menu differs depending
onthe disc.
Skipping back or forwardto another title
%Toskip back or forward to another title,
touchaor b.
Touchingaskips to the start of the next title.
Touchingbskips to the start of the previous
Titlenumbers are displayed for eight seconds.
#Youcan also skip back or forward toanother
titleby moving the joystick up or down.
Stopping playback
#Whenyou stop DVD playback by touching g,
thatlocation on the disc is memorized enabling
playbackfrom that point when you play the disc
#Toplay back the disc again, touch f.
Playing DVD video discs