!Thedisplay should be used within the tem-
peratureranges shown below.
Operatingtemperature range: 10 to +50
Storagetemperature range: 20 to +80 °C
Attemperatures higher or lower than the
operatingtemperature range the display
maynot operate normally.
!TheLCD screen of this unit isexposed in
orderto increase its visibility within the ve-
hicle.Please do not press strongly on itas
thismay damage it.
!Donot place anything on the display when
itis deployed. Also, do not attempt to carry
outangle adjustment, or open/close the
displayby hand. Applying strong force to
thedisplay may damage it.
!Donot push the LCD screen with much
forceas this may scratch it.
!Becareful not to place anything between
thedisplay and the main body when the
displayis opening or closing. If an object
getsbetween the display and main body,
thedisplay may stop working.
Liquid crystal display (LCD) screen!Ifthe display is near the vent of an air con-
ditionerwhen it is opened, make surethat
airfrom the air conditioneris not blowing
onit. Heat from the heater may break the
LCDscreen, and cool air fromthe cooler
maycause moisture to form inside the dis-
playresulting in possible damage. Also, if
thedisplay is cooled down by the cooler,
thescreen may become dark, or the life
spanof the small fluorescent tube used in-
sidethe display may be shortened.
!Smallblack dots or white dots (bright dots)
mayappear on the LCD screen. These are
dueto the characteristics of the LCD
screenand do not indicate a problem with
!Atlow temperatures, the LCD screen may
bedark for a while after the power is turned
!TheLCD screen will be difficult to see if it is
exposedto direct sunlight.
!Whenusing a portable phone, keep the an-
tennaof the portable phone away from the
displayto prevent disruption of the video by
theappearance of spots, colored stripes,
Keeping the display in goodcondition!Whenremoving dust from the screen or
cleaningthe display, first turn the system
poweroff, then wipe with the supplied
!Whenwiping the screen, take care not to
scratchthe surface. Do notuse harsh or
abrasivechemical cleaners.
Small fluorescenttube!Asmall fluorescent tube is used inside the
displayto illuminate the LCD screen.
Thefluorescent tube should last for ap-
proximately10,000 hours, depending on
operatingconditions. (Using the display
atlow temperatures reduces the ser vice
lifeof the fluorescent tube.)
Whenthe fluorescent tube reaches the
endof its useful life, the screen will be
darkand the image will no longer be
projected.If this happens, consult your
dealeror the nearest authorized PIO-
NEERService Station.
Additional Information