About this unit
Thisproduct complies with the EMC Directives
(89/336/EEC,92/31/EEC) and CE Marking Di-
!Thetuner frequencies onthis unit are allo-
catedfor use in Western Europe, Asia, the
MiddleEast, Africa and Oceania. Use in
otherareas may result in improper recep-
tion.The RDS function operates only in
areaswith FM stations broadcasting RDS

Playable discs

DVD,Video CD and CD discs that display the
logosshown below can be played backon this
Itis not possible to play back DVD audio disc.
Thisplayer can only playback discs bearing the
marksshown above.

DVD video disc region numbers

DVDvideo discs that have incompatible region
numberscannot be played on this player. The
regionnumber of the player can be found on
thebottom of this unit.
Theillustration below shows the regions and
correspondingregion numbers.

When combined with a Pioneer

navigation unit

Whenyou use this unit with the Pioneer DVD
navigationunit, make sure that you use the
mapdisc CNDV-30. This manual explains the
operationswith the combination use of them.
Ifyou do not use the map disc CNDV-30but
usean older versionone with the navigation
unit,this unit may have some failures or in-
conveniencesas follows:
!ENTERTAINMENTbutton and WIDE button
cannotfunction as NAVI button and
NAVIMENU button.
!NAVI(navigation unit), such as DVD video
fromthe combined Pioneer navigation unit
withDVD video playback, cannot be se-
lectedas a source.
!InNAV MIXING, the other settings besides
ALLcannot be selected.
!Voice-recognitioncontrol system of the
combinedPioneer navigation unit cannot
functionproperly. On the one hand the
voiceoperation for navigation can be used,
buton the other, the voice operation related
toAV equipment cannot beused.
Before YouStart
En 7
BeforeYou Start