Listening MP3
Theseare the basic steps necessar y to play an
MP3with your DVD player. More advanced
MP3operation is explained starting on the
Showswhat the source has been selected.
Showswhen the MP3 file is playing.
3Foldernumber indicator
Showsthe folder number currently playing.
4Tracknumber indicator
Showsthe track (file) currently playing.
5Playtime indicator
Showsthe elapsed playing time of the cur-
renttrack (file).
6Foldername indicator
Showsthe folder name currently playing.
Showsthe selected repeat range.
1 Touchthe source icon and then touch
DVDto select the DVD player.
#Whenthe source icon is not displayed, you
candisplay it by touching the screen.
#Ifno disc is loaded in this unit, you cannot se-
lectDVD (DVD player). Insert a disc in this unit.
(Referto page 18.)
2 Touchthe screen to display the touch
3 Toskip back or forward to another
track,touch oor p.
Touchingpskips to the start of the next
track.Touching oonce skips to the start of
thecurrent track. Touching again will skip to
theprevious track.
Tracknumbers are displayed for eight sec-
#Youcan also skip back or forward toanother
trackby moving the joystick left or right.
4 Touchdto display a,b,mand n.
Touchduntil a,b,mand nappear in
5 Toperform fast forward or reverse,
keeptouching mor n.
#Youcan also perform fast reverse/fast forward
byholding the joystick left or right.
#Thereis no sound on fast forward or reverse.
#Thisis fast forward and reverse operation only
forthe file being played. This operation is can-
celedwhen the previous or next file is reached.
6 Touchaor bto select a folder.
#Youcan also select a folder by moving the joy-
stickup or down.
#Toreturn to folder 01 (ROOT), press and hold
BAND/ESC.However, if folder 01 (ROOT) contains
nofiles, playback commences with folder 02.
#Youcannot select a folder that does not have
anMP3 file recorded in it.