3 Touchcor dto select the segment of
theclock display you wish to set.
Eachtime you touch cor dwill select one
segmentof the clock display:
Asyou select segments of the clock display
thesegment selected will be highlighted.
4 Touchaor bto set the clock.
Eachtime you touch awill increase the se-
lectedhour or minute. Each time you touch b
willdecrease the selected hour or minute.
!Youcan match the clock to a time signal by
Ifthe minute is 0029, the minutes are
roundeddown. (e.g., 10:18 becomes
Ifthe minute is 3059, the minutes are
roundedup. (e.g., 10:36 becomes 11:00.)
!Evenwhen the sources are off, the clock dis-
playappears on the display.
Using the AUX sourceAnIP-BUS-RCA Interconnector such as the
CD-RB20/CD-RB10(sold separately) lets you
connectthis unit to auxiliar y equipment fea-
turingRCA output. For more details, refer to
theIP-BUS-RCA Interconnector owners man-
Selecting AUX as the source
%Touchthe source icon and then touch
AUXto select AUX as the source.
#Whenthe source icon is not displayed, you
candisplay it by touching the screen.
#Ifthe auxiliary setting is not turned on, AUX
cannotbe selected. For more details, see Switch-
ingthe auxiliary setting on page 87.
Setting the AUX title
Thetitle displayed for the AUX source can be
1 Afteryou have selected AUX as the
source,touch A.MENU and FUNCTION and
thentouch NAME EDIT.
2 TouchABC to select the desired charac-
TouchABC repeatedly to switch between the
followingcharacter type:
Alphabet(upper case), numbers and symbols
Alphabet(lower case)European letters,
suchas those with accents (e.g. á, à, ä, ç)
#Youcan select to input numbers and symbols
bytouching 123.
3 Touchaor bto select a letter of the al-
Eachtime you touch awill display a letter of
thealphabet in A B C ... X Y Z, numbers and
symbolsin 1 2 3 ... | } ¯ order. Each time you
touchbwill display a letter in the reverse
order,such as Z Y X ... C B A order.
Other Functions