centerfrequency, an equalizer level and a Q
factorfor each band.
!Aseparate CUSTOM1 curve can be cre-
atedfor each source.
!ACUSTOM2curve canbe created com-
monto all sources.
!Thecenter speaker largely determines the
soundimage and getting the balance right
isnteasy. We recommend reproducing a 2-
ch.audio (a CD for example) and getting
thebalance right among the speakers ex-
ceptfor the center, and then reproducing a
5.1-ch.audio (Dolby Digital or DTS) and ad-
justingthe center speaker output to the
balanceyou have already got among the
1 TouchA.MENU and AUDIO and then
touchNEXT twice.
2 TouchPEQ.
#Youcannot select PEQ when neither
CUSTOM1nor CUSTOM2 equalizer curve is se-
3 Touchaor bto select the desired item.
Eachtime you touch aor bselects the item
inthe following order:
SP-SEL(speakers)BAND (bands)
FREQUENCY(center frequency)LEVEL
(equalizerlevel)Q. FACTOR (Q factor)
4 Touchcor dto select the speaker to
Touchcor duntil the desired speaker ap-
pearsin the display.
REAR(rear speakers)CENTER (center speak-
er)FRONT(front speakers)
#Youcannot select speakers whose size is set
5 Touchband then touch cor dto se-
lectthe equalizer band to be adjusted.
Eachtime you touch cor dselects equalizer
bandsin the following order:
LOW(low)MID (mid)HIGH (high)
6 Touchband then touch cor dto se-
lectthe center frequency of selected band.
Touchcor duntil the desired frequency ap-
pearsin the display.
7 Touchband then touch cor dto ad-
justthe equalizer level.
Eachtime you touch cor dincreases or de-
creasesthe equalizer level. +06 06 is dis-
playedas the level is increased or decreased.
8 Touchband then touch cor dto se-
lectthe desired Q factor.
Eachtime you touch cor dswitches between
thefollowing Q factor:
WIDE(wide)NARROW (narrow)
#Youcan adjust parameters for each band of
theother speakers in the same way.
Youcan select a center frequency from among 20
frequenciesfor each band. You can change the
centerfrequency in 1/3-octave steps, but you can-
notselect frequencies that have intervals shorter
than1 octave among the center frequencies of
thethree bands.
Digital Signal Processor
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DigitalSignal Processor