Whenthe ignition switch is turned OFF
whilethe LCD panel is opened, the LCD
panelwill close after six seconds.
Whenthe ignition switch is turned ON
again(or turned to ACC), the LCD panel
willbe opened automatically.
Removingor attaching the front panel
willautomatically close or open the LCD
panel.(Refer to page 23.)
!Whenthe ignition switch is turned OFF
afterthe LCD panel has been closed, turn-
ingthe ignition switch ON again (or turning
itto ACC) will not open the LCD panel. In
thiscase, press OPEN/CLOSE to open the
!Whenclosing the LCD panel, check to
makesure that it has closed completely. If
theLCD panel has stopped halfway, leaving
itlike this could result in damage.
%PressOPEN/CLOSE to open the LCD
#Toclose the LCD panel, press OPEN/CLOSE
Adjusting the LCD panel angle
!Ifyou can hear the LCD panel knocking
againstyour vehicles console or dashboard,
pressANGLE ()to move the LCD panel a lit-
!Whenadjusting the LCD panel angle, be sure
topress ANGLE (+/). Forcibly adjusting the
LCDpanel by hand may damage it.
%PressANGLE (+/) to adjust the LCD
panelto an easily viewable angle.
TheLCD panel angle continues changing as
longas you press ANGLE (+/)and hold.
#Theadjusted the LCD panel angle will be
memorizedand automatically returned to the
nexttime the LCD panel is opened.
Turningthe LCD panel horizontal
Whenthe LCD panel is upright and it hinders
theoperation of the air conditioner, the posi-
tionof the panel can be turned horizontal tem-
%PressFLIP DOWN/CLOCK to turn the
LCDpanel horizontal.
#Toreturn to original position, press
#TheLCD panel returns to the original position
automaticallywith beep sounds 10 seconds after
Changing the wide screenmodeYoucan select a desired mode for enlarging a
4:3picture to a 16:9 one.
%PressWIDE to select the desired set-
PressWIDE repeatedly to switch between the
FULL(full)JUST (just)CINEMA (cinema)
ZOOM(zoom)NORMAL (normal)
Basic Operations
En 21