!BACK-CAMERASwitch to the picture ad-
justmentdisplay for the back-up camera
!SOURCEReturn to the picture adjustment
displayfor each source
#Youcan adjust the picture adjustment for
back-upcamera only when B-CAMERA is turned
on.(Refer to Setting for back-up camera on page
#Withsome back-up camera, the picture ad-
justmentmay not be able to use.
3 Touchcor dto adjust the selected
Eachtime you touch cor dincreases or de-
creasesthe level of selected item. +24 24 is
displayedas the level is increased or de-
4 TouchESC to hide the touch panel keys.

Adjusting the dimmer

Theadjustment of DIMMER is stored sepa-
ratelyfor each ambient light; daytime, evening
andnighttime. The brightness of LCD screen
willbe adjusted optimum level automatically
inaccordance with the ambient light based on
thesetting values.
1 PressMENU on the head unit and hold
PressMENU until PICTURE ADJUST appears
inthe display.
2 TouchDIMMER.
Theambient light level used as the standard
foradjusting DIMMER appears above the level
!Yellowsun Adjustthe brightness for
brightambient light (daytime)
!Redsun Adjustthe brightness for in-
termediatebrightness (evening)
!Bluemoon Adjustthe brightness for
darkambient light (nighttime)
3 Touchcor dto adjust the brightness.
Eachtime you touch cor dmoves yellow to-
wardsthe left or the right.
Thelevel indicates the brightness of the
screenbeing adjusted. The farther yellow
movesto the right, the brighter the screen.
4 TouchESC to hide the touch panel keys.
Theicons indicating the current ambient bright-
nessused for adjusting BRIGHT and CONTRAST
maydiffer from DIMMER slightly.
Protecting your unit fromtheft
Thefront panel can be detached from the
headunit to discourage theft.
!Ifthe front panel is not detached fromthe
headunit within five seconds of turning off
theignition, a warning tone will sound.
!Youcan turn off the warning tone. See
Switchingthe warning tone on page 86.
!Neveruse force or grip the display and the
buttonstightly when removing or attaching.
!Avoidsubjecting the front panel to excessive
!Keepthe front panel out of direct sunlight and
!Attachthe front panel while driving, or else
mayresult in scratching or damage.
Basic Operations
En 23